Article: ISA Cleveland Section Past, Present, and Future

/, Industry News/Article: ISA Cleveland Section Past, Present, and Future

Article: ISA Cleveland Section Past, Present, and Future

Check out an article from Joseph A. Kaulfersch, Cleveland Section President 2007 entitled “Cleveland Section I.S.A. History” The article is a great look back at the archives of the ISA in Cleveland and discusses why it’s important that we promote the ISA to young engineers of the future.

The International Society of Automation is the unbiased, objective arbiter of standards and technical information for automation professionals. The ISA Cleveland Section can be found at


About the Author:

Joe is the general manager of Chirico Scientific, LLC. He has dedicated his 20-year career to keeping facilities protected. He has worked with such notable manufacturers as MTL and Pepperl+Fuchs in the field of process automation and is an expert in applications and product implementation for hazardous areas. Contact Joe with questions by leaving a comment below, or via email at

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