Chirico Scientific is pleased to welcome exida Cyber Security expert, Eric Persson, to Cleveland the week of Oct 17 to discuss Cyber Security and its importance to the Safety Lifecycle of modern process and manufacturing plants. Contact Chirico today to talk to Eric in person about your systems and the capabilities and services Chirico and exida can provide to keep your facility safe.
Your systems and the equipment and infrastructure they control could be at risk from damaging cyber hacks. As CNN explains in this recent investigative report, important systems in the US and around the world are prime targets for attack, and the results can be costly and dangerous.
Anyone in charge of internet systems or critical infrastructure are expected to understand these threats and to keep their systems safe. However, with technology changing almost daily it is difficult for even the most diligent to keep up. Take this opportunity to sit down with a cyber security expert to determine how at risk your facility is and take steps to protect it.
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