Industry News

/Industry News

When Lighting Strikes Close to Home – Surge Protection Can Help


Recently, in Cleveland, Ohio a family awoke to a loud bang that sounded like an explosion. It turned out that a bolt of lightning had likely struck the tree in their front yard, which then tore up their driveway, ruined their car, and blew out the electrical system in their home. Had the homeowners used [...]

When Lighting Strikes Close to Home – Surge Protection Can Help2017-07-15T03:17:22+00:00

WannaCry is hitting automation systems – what you can do


We at Chirico Scientific believe strongly that the safety and security of modern business starts with constant vigilance of information technology systems. The recent ransomware attacks on critical computer systems globally should be a wake-up call to businesses that they are not immune to this type of cyber warfare. It is highly unlikely that this [...]

WannaCry is hitting automation systems – what you can do2017-05-19T00:50:56+00:00

Cyber Security Expert Visits Cleveland October 17-21


Chirico Scientific is pleased to welcome exida Cyber Security expert, Eric Persson, to Cleveland the week of Oct 17 to discuss Cyber Security and its importance to the Safety Lifecycle of modern process and manufacturing plants. Contact Chirico today to talk to Eric in person about your systems and the capabilities and services Chirico and [...]

Cyber Security Expert Visits Cleveland October 17-212017-05-19T00:50:56+00:00

Article: ISA Cleveland Section Past, Present, and Future


Check out an article from Joseph A. Kaulfersch, Cleveland Section President 2007 entitled "Cleveland Section I.S.A. History" The article is a great look back at the archives of the ISA in Cleveland and discusses why it's important that we promote the ISA to young engineers of the future. The International Society of Automation is the [...]

Article: ISA Cleveland Section Past, Present, and Future2017-05-19T00:50:56+00:00

White Paper: Cyber 9/11 Is the Oil and Gas Industry Sleepwalking into a Nightmare


Recently, Oil & Gas IQ ( released a 15 page report examining "the current state of Oil and Gas Cyber Security and the mammoth price of not being prepared". It's a very useful report for anyone in this sector who is concerned, or more importantly, not yet concerned about the risks of not being prepared. The [...]

White Paper: Cyber 9/11 Is the Oil and Gas Industry Sleepwalking into a Nightmare2017-05-19T00:50:56+00:00